Create a feeling of warmth and rich texture throughout your home with this easy faux brick finish.
Paint the surface to be worked a medium grey colour. Let dry 72 hours.
Measure and mark the surface into 3" x 8" sized bricks, alternating each row to form a traditional brick pattern. Note: Mark the horizontal lines with a chalk line. Make a 3" x 8" template from cardboard to mark the vertical lines.
Mask off the lines. Note: Mask slightly to the left or bottom of the line. Be consistent throughout. This will eliminate the need to rub out the lines after you have finished. Press tape down firmly.
Mix stucco with a small
amount of the latex brick base colour. Don't overload the stucco with paint or your bricks will sag.
Spread the stucco mixture over the surface 1/8" to 1/4" thick. Take a natural sea sponge and randomly dab over the surface to create a brick-like texture. If the surface becomes too textured, simply drag the putty knife over the surface to flatten it to
your liking.
Rinse the sponge and, using a colour slightly darker than the base colour, dab the sponge randomly over the bricks.
Remove the tape within 15 minutes. You do not want the stucco to harden before removing tape. Let dry 12 - 24 hours, depending on the thickness of the bricks.
Pour brick colours and accent colour into individual pools of colour on a paper plate. Note: The largest pool will be the dominant colour used in your bricks with the accent colour being the smallest.
Dip the sponge into the colours and sponge onto the bricks. The result will be a blend of colours. Continue in this fashion until you achieve the desired effect.
Paint & Tools:
Base Coat: Beauti-Tone 6H2-5
Top Coats: Beauti-Tone 6J1-2, 6J1-4
Accent Colour: Beauti-Tone 5F3-6
1/4" Painter's Tape 1670-739, Home Pre-mixed Interior Stucco 1817-163, Paper Plates 6460-402, Natural Sea Sponge 4558-801, 3" to 4" Putty Knife 1630-275, Brush 1612-605, Chalk Line 1019-150, Cardboard For Brick Template
Create the look of stone by masking off larger irregular sized shapes and use low sheen finish.